welcome English in Montguyon


Click on the picture and answer the questions on the worksheet your teacher gave you - then, get ready to report to the class.


Where are you from ?

Listen to the song and complete the lyrics on the worksheet your teacher gave you this morning :

Arthur’s city hosting the next O.G. !

Get ready to surf on Michelle Henry’s website and find more about the Olympic Sports and symbols. You will then use all the different information for the final task of the first unit. Good luck !

(click on the picture below to get to the link)


Oxford Press Interactive Exercises

Here is a wonderful website where you can find plenty of exercises to work on your grammar, vocab’, oral and written comprehensions and many other things. Select your level and take time to do all the interactive exercises during your free time at school or at home and especially during the summer holidays!

Enjoy !


USA - your oral presentation

For your final test on the USA, you will have to tell your friends about a cultural, historical or geographical fact you found interesting. You can find information on Wikipedia of course but on the following site too, thanks to Michelle Henry’s great job :


Lessons for the 3°A who went to Spain

Hello !!!

Dans un 1° temps, je vous ai mis le détail des cours dans le document ci-dessous que je vous invite à télécharger et imprimer.

Download rattrapage Espagne

Vous aurez également besoin d’écouter l’extrait du discours de MLK que nous avons travaillé en classe ici :

Enfin, pour info, voici le “PV” d’arrestation de Rosa Parks que j’avais omis de vous montrer - assez impressionnant, non ?

Bonne lecture et n’hésitez pas à me contacter via le BLOG (onglet Contacts) pour une question, une confirmation, un problème, etc…

A plus tard et … bonnes vacances !!!


Teatime in Montguyon !

The 6°C enjoyed the traditional British teatime they had together last Monday. They ate some cheese and marmelade sandwiches with crackers and biscuits. Of course, they drank some darjeeling tea ! It was a really great moment. Here are some photos :









Here is a short webquest on the académie de paris website which will help you to learn more about Martin Luther King Junior’s life and work.



In order to train for your “Histoire des Arts” mock exam in a few weeks, get ready to give details on the religious, social and political situation in Ireland thanks to this webquest :


Then, choose a mural among those two websites. Work in pairs and make a slideshow for your oral presentation to come :



Red Nose Day 2011

Get ready to learn more about Red Nose Day and find some funny ideas for March 18th on their official website :
